Egg White Allergen Test
Turnaround Time:
2-3 Days

Method Description
Quantification of egg white allergens by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) involves extracting proteins from a sample and using specific antibodies to detect and quantify egg white proteins. This highly sensitive method ensures accurate measurement, crucial for identifying allergens in food products. It plays a crucial role in food safety, aiding compliance with regulatory standards, and meeting the needs of individuals with egg white allergies.
Analyte List
Technical Data Sheet
Test Name - Common
Egg White Allergen Test
Method Name
Quantification of Allergens by ELISA
Method Code
Accuris SmartReader 96
Method Reference
AOAC¨ Performance Tested Method #052001v2
Reportable Unit
Sample Size Requirements
Beverages: 1 unit or 250 mL, whichever is more;
All other matrices: 5 grams
Available for
Food Products
Unavailable for
*Prices and offerings are subject to change without notice.