Perfect your creation.
Sharpen your competitive edge.

Leveraging a deep understanding of market trends, consumer preferences, and food science, our expert team works closely with you to perfect products that boldly stand out in today's competitive landscape.

New Product Development


Focus your goals, define your vision, and meet your product developers.

Product Brief

Formalize the action plan, ensure shared vision for the product, and set the ground rules.


Explore innovative formulas, validate botanical ingredient viability, and solicit feedback.


Refine best-performing formulas, align formulas with brand and product concept, and establish core base recipe and technical innovations.


Taste, tweak, and twist. Collaborate and discuss core vision and formulation adjustments to make your product shine.

Final Presentation

Deliver robust documentation, specifications, on- and off-site training assistance to actualize your concept into a market-ready reality.

Product Innovation

Dosing Accuracy 
& Variance Reduction

Ensure consistent and accurate dosing of active ingredients with comprehensive standard operating procedures, dynamic recipe calculators, and reliable batch logs.

Line Extensions

Maintain a steady stream of new content to stay relevant in today’s markets. Develop on-brand, on-trend, on-target line extensions at breakneck speeds with Cambium.

Seasonal Variations

Stay visible by offering limited-time variations on your core product line. Whether it’s an aphrodisiac for Valentine’s Day or a sparkling euphoric confection for Independence Day fireworks shows, let Cambium be your technical and creative partner.

Ingredient Substitutions

Replace or reduce nonessential, costly ingredients and validate changes with sensory analytics.

Shelf Stability

Determine how well and for how long your product retains its gold standard quality. Test novel packaging and product attributes over time with aligned sensory testing and analytical measures.

Cost Input Reductions

Optimize input costs through rapid ingredient substitution trialing and reduction in high-cost ingredients. Use sensory difference tests to establish that your product is maintaining the same great quality after cost optimization.

A La Carte Services

GMP Ready Documentation Deliverables

From standard operating procedures to batch logs, documentation plays a key role. Sleek, accessible documents with tailored functionality increases efficiency and reduces human error.

Nutritional / Supplemental Facts Labeling

Save the time and stress from navigating the complexities of nutrition facts labeling with our FDA compliant food and supplement labeling services.

Investigatory Research

Find creative solutions to overcome the unexpected—from shelf-life shortcomings to intricate ingredient interactions, we can help you decipher your most perplexing problems.

Training & Tools

Implement clean, accessible, and practical tools for dosing, process management, employee training, and more.


Meet with our experts to ensure you have all the information you need to make the best decision. Sometimes, an outside perspective from an industry seasoned expert can reveal new opportunities for your brand.

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