Your Scientific Partner in Botanical Ingredients

December 5, 2023

As an ingredient supplier, you know that the safety of your products is essential, but it’s the quality and consistency that set you apart from the rest of the industry. Amplify your products’ value by working with a scientific partner with the right tools. Cambium Analytica offers a comprehensive range of testing services to help with all of this - together, we can:

• Certify the safety, quality, and compliance of your ingredients: routine testing of microbiological, elemental, and chemical contaminants.

• Explore the unique value of your ingredients versus competitors through customized R&D projects.

• Measure and confirm product specifications, such as physical, organoleptic, active ingredients, stability, safety, and function, to meet your clients demands.

• Utilize customized method development for unique actives.

• Study the stability of your ingredients in order to substantiate shelf life claims.

• Create rigorous sensory programs to fully understand the organoleptic attributes of your product.

• Supply your sales team with the data to prove your prowess in the industry.

• Answer brain-boggling questions with data.

Cambium Analytica will help you differentiate your products in the ingredients space! Contact us today to learn more about our variety of services, quick turnaround times, and unparalleled data transparency.

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